I began working in the field of health and healing over 20 years ago. I initially trained as an acupuncturist in both Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My focus has always been to look deeply and discover what obstructs a person from reaching or maintaining wholeness. This passion for supporting people to discover their inherent health and well being motivated me to develop an holistic approach to my work, and I later studied Traditional Chinese Patent Herbs, Naturopathic Nutrition and Mindfulness. If you would like to find out more about this work you are welcome to look here
In 2009 I started training as a Psycho-Spiritual Counsellor and learned from experience that the awareness and integration of personal suffering and loss can be both a challenging and rewarding process. Discovering what nourishes your life and finding joy and meaning requires relational support and gentle enquiry. It can lead to an awakening of your innate wisdom, strength, and compassion, enabling you to meet whatever life brings with inner peace and personal authenticity.
My daily mindfulness practice is a great support to all that I do in my work and life. When I am not working I like to spend my time walking in woodlands or being at the beach where I can connect with nature and nourish my soul.